Make sure you keep all your personal information up to date with SWMCFCU. Email address, Phone Number and Mailing Address are the most important. SWMCFCU has a card fraud system to notify you of any concerns. Don't miss out on a phone call from us! Email address is also important for your netteller/mobile app password recovery feature. Occasionally, important information is also sent out in statements or SWMCFCU mail which is why it's important to have a current mailing address on file with us.
SWMCFCU never recommends you email any personal information to an open un-secure site. Please be vigilant of your personal information such as your SSN, Debit/Credit Card number, address and phone number when shopping, browsing or emailing online. If you need to make a change to this information, call us directly or swing into either branch location so we can keep your information secure.
Make sure your at home virus protection is up to date and working properly to protect your computer and software and always keep your operating system, web browser and mobile phones up to date to help provide better security.
SWMCFCU now offers identity and fraud protection with Kasasa Protect! Check out all the details on our Kasasa Protect Page by clicking here.
- 24/7 credit monitoring
- Annual credit reports
- Monthly credit score and tracker
- Dark web monitoring
- Lost wallet protection
- Identity restoration
Online and Mobile Banking Tips
- For security purposes, you will be required to change your Netteller/Mobile app password once every 180 days along with your fingerprint recognition. You will not be notified beforehand.
- Online users will be asked for their current password and then enter a new password and then confirm the new password. Mobile bankers will have a pin number sent to their email address on file and then will need to enter the pin number in order to change their password on their mobile device.
- Home banking/online users who can't remember their challenge questions will need to call either branch location in order to have those questions reset.
- After 6 invalid login attempts, the user will be locked out and will have to contact either branch to be unlocked.
- eStatements are now available on mobile app along with Home banking platform.
Federal Trade Commission Website: Register for the Do Not Call List, report fraud, find a free credit report and more!
AARP Fraud Watch Network : Read up on the latest scams and fraud alerts that are hitting others around the world.

Business Checking Accounts