We've Made It Easy!
Take a look at all your savings options! Let us help you make the most of your money!
Free Kasasa Saver
- Free account that builds your savings effortlessly
- Automatic transfers of Kasasa Cash® or Kasasa Cash Back® earnings
- No minimum balance or monthly maintenance fees
Share Savings Account
- Savings account that pays competitive dividends
- Your share of ownership in Southwest Montana Community FCU
- 5 free debits per month
Christmas Club
- Easily save year-round for the upcoming holidays
- No monthly maintenance fees
- No minimum balance requirement
Money Market Account
- Enjoy flexibility with enhanced access to funds
- Greater earnings than share accounts
- Make deposits at any time or set up direct deposit
Share Certificates of Deposit
- Set aside for future savings goals
- Competitive, fixed rate for length of term
- Greater earnings than standard savings
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
- Competitive dividends above standard savings rates
- Tax advantages to boost your balance*
- Traditional and Roth IRA options